And not just any part, but Seaside, NJ. That's right, the Jersey Shore.
It's a little different than you see on TV this time of year. The boardwalk was empty of people except for a few bundled up joggers. The beach was clear, with only a few visitors, and all the shops and little restaurants were closed or boarded up for the winter. It was strangely empty and very beautiful. I couldn't go and not get in the water though, so in below forty degree temperature, I attempted my own mini Polar Bear Plunge. For th
ose of you who have never heard of that before, Wiki describes a Polar Bear Plunge as " event held during the winter where participants enter a body of water despite the low temperature. In the United States polar bear plunges are usually held to raise money for a charitable organization, while in Canada they are associated with New Year's Day."
For me, it was just running into the water half naked and shooting a picture, and shrieking curses the entire time because I was so cold. You get the picture. If not, I actually made a photograph while doing it....

All in all, my mini vacation from the city was fist-pump free...and freezing. I concluded my trip with a visit to Wawa, where I enjoyed my first New Jersey style hoagie. It was muy delicioso. I'm looking forward to getting out and visiting Jersey again, as well as other areas around New York. It's nice to get out of the busy streets of Manhattan for a little while...
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